A qualified individual who provides an objective assessment of your appearance and assists you in revealing your best self.
We will spend approximately two hours discussing who you are, what your goals are, and how the image you project will lead to their achievement.
My clients cover the spectrum of age, gender and industry. The common theme is a desire to convey an appropriate image and get positive results as they transition from school to the working world, transfer between jobs in different industries, relocate to a new city, or adjust to new circumstances caused by divorce, weight gain or loss.
Anyone who wants to save time, energy and money while setting forth a new image. With my experience, I can facilitate the process by identifying your authentic image and then shopping for the attire that makes the desired impact.
Yes. Special Packages and Gift Certificates are available – especially for a milestone birthday, job promotion or graduation. The recipient is often at a point where s/he welcomes advice to prepare for a new phase of life.
Yes. Companies have commissioned my services for their employees – to ensure that the company’s image is upheld by its executives.
Yes. I develop customized packages to suit my client’s needs. I have established clients whom I consult with 2 to 4 times per year for seasonal updating. But, I also meet on short-notice to prepare for special events or spontaneous vacations. I make every effort to accommodate your needs as they arise.
Contact Marla at marla@marlatomazin.com to arrange an appointment or to request additional details.
©2021 Marla Tomazin. All rights reserved.