Marla Says
Marla Tomazin

Introducing a New Guided Series: Finding Balance in Your Life—and Making Peace with It

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about creating more balance in my life. This is no small feat in our busy and overscheduled world. We work long hours to further our careers. We strive to be great partners, parents, friends, and citizens. And we spend what little free time we have pursuing our passions. Goals aside, life itself can be unpredictable. Plans go awry; we may fall ill or sustain injuries; or maybe we’re just too busy and overwhelmed to enjoy our blessings.

I have concluded that creating balance whenever possible is the key to calming the chaos of life and maximizing joy. You may be unable to change all your circumstances, but when you pursue balance in various areas, it’s easier to move forward with more ease and confidence. That is why I decided to create a blog series that focuses on seeking greater balance in your life.

Finding greater balance requires focus and intention, rather than just going on autopilot, which is what we usually do. It’s about taking stock of where you are now and figuring out where you would like to go. You can apply this philosophy to every area of your life. Over the coming months, we will delve into several areas of life (I call them “Balance Zones”) where people often struggle to find balance. Each month I will cover a different topic here on the blog—like physical health and diet, career and money, healthy relationships, mental wellness, and image and style—and explore some best practices for achieving balance in these areas.

One quick caveat: Balance is not a destination—it’s a never-ending journey. You are not likely to reach a point where you say, “Now my life is perfectly balanced.” However, when you make conscious decisions that bring your life closer to balance, your circumstances improve in many ways. You may become calmer, or more grateful for what you have, or more certain of the next steps you need to take.

Next week we will begin with the first installment of the Finding Balance in Your Life—and Making Peace with It series by delving into ways to maximize our physical health.


  • Dear Marla,

    I can’t begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to your series on finding balance.
    Between work, maintaining a healthy relationship with my husband and dealing with an aging parent, I am constantly trying to find ways to find some balance in my life.

    I am anxiously awaiting the first installment.

  • My Friend Marla, I’m a huge fan of yours, going back years when we worked together . I admire your zest for life. Looking forward to reading your upcoming letters of wisdom.

  • Hi MT,

    An important reminder to all that life is short, precious and should always be lived with intention. But then there are days when ‘life happens’, and it is all how you handle it mentally.

    I so look forward to your thoughts, reminders and good vibe.

    XO DB

  • I love this blog series! So perfect, right place and right time.

  • This is going to be such a great, informative series. You always have wonderful insights and suggestions which come from a life well lived. I’m getting my friends to sign up!!

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